I’m going on the pilgrimage for the first time. What should I do before the pilgrimage?
Read the information on this website.
- Read the Rules of the Pilgrimage as the first thing.
- Go to the Chapel of Res Sacra Miser on 3-5 August to enroll.
- Get comfortable, broken-in shoes.
- Pack your luggage.
- Come to the Mass on 6 August at 6:00 to Chapel of Res Sacra Miser.
Am I covered by insurance during the pilgrimage?
The pilgrimage takes place in the territory of the Republic of Poland, therefore the normal ZUS (Social Insurance Institution) insurance is valid for the Polish pilgrims. Pilgrims from abroad should get appropriate travel insurance.
How much will it cost me to participate in the pilgrimage?
The cost of the pilgrimage this year is 240 Polish zloty. This amount includes a luggage fee, enrolment fee, shared meals and pilgrim’s prayer book. In addition, you need to have the money for travel back from Czestochowa and for any purchases during the march.
What if I can not enroll earlier? Can I join during the pilgrimage?
You can enroll on the route. Every evening opens pilgrimage office where you can pay a fee to receive pilgrimage materials, a prayer book or purchase a breviary.
Where can I get a songbook / pilgrim’s prayer book / breviary?
They can be purchased either at the enrolment, as well as during the very pilgrimage. Breviary is available in Catholic bookstores, we encourage you to take it, if you have one. The prayer book though is issued specifically for our group and it includes traditional prayers and songs, which we use.
Is accommodation provided before and after the pilgrimage?
Before the pilgrimage starts, i.e. on the night of 5/6 August we always try to provide accommodation for all pilgrims from outside Warsaw. These are usually small rooms in the parish or similarinfd of accommodation. However, in Czestochowa accommodation and space for tents are provided for the entire Warsaw Pilgrimage. It happens that apart from the above conveniences the members of our group are organizing their own accommodation. Please note that this is a standard of pilgrimage accommodation, and pilgrims usually sleep on a foam camping mat on the floor.
What does the overnight stay look like? Do I need to have my own tent?
The accommodation is provided for all pilgrims. It is usually in barns or other utility rooms. Due to the observance of the principle of non-mixed-sex accommodation, these facilities are provided rather for women. In addition, there is always space for setting up your tents – you do not need, however, have your own tent, as the Pilgrimage Group has large military tents in which there is place for all. Please also note that on the camping spaces non-mixed-sex accommodation rule should be observed (except for families).
Is there any opportunity to purchase food along the way?
Firstly, it is less necessary than it seems. In our group operates the common table, so morning and evening meals are eaten by all together. Products are bought from pilgrimage fees. Secondly, during the stops we very often enjoy the hospitality of the local population: people in villages prepare and offer hot meals, usually nutritious soup, bread, compote, cake. Thirdly, when passing villages and towns, there is a possibility of buying food in roadside grocery stores. Fourth and finally, there are “official pilgrimage stalls”, which open at some stops and overnight stays. There you can purchase food such as pastries, fruit and drinks, as well as pilgrim T-shirts and sun hats.
Do I need to have a larger amount of drinking water with me?
Do not neglect the proper fluid intake. But it is useless to overload your luggage with excessive amount of water. There will always be a possibility to go the shop or get a spring water or tap water. In addition, our Group often has a water supply available to all pilgrims.
What does the pilgrimage route look like?
In the vast majority the pilgrimage route leads along forests and fields, which has a positive effect on the comfort of the march. However, there are moments (or even the whole stages) you walk on road sides or on asphalt. Then you should pay attention to passing vehicles and respect the command of the pilgrimage safety personnel. This is particularly important for the more busy roads, which are walked along by the pilgrimage several times.
Are there any showers available on a pilgrimage ? What are the sanitary conveniences and washing facilities?
Organizers of the Warsaw Pilgrimage offer mobile showers, available to all for a fee. You should, however, expect the long wait time in the queue. The pilgrims usually use wash basins (which are available in our luggage car, there is no need to take your own) or natural reservoirs occurring on the road such as rivers.
Do I need to learn any special prayers or songs?
There is no such need, all these are included in the pilgrim’s prayer book. We encourage you, however, to learn the prayers of the Rosary in Latin. This will make it easier for you to join into a common prayer.
Are there any rules regarding clothing?
A general rule for clothing is decency and modesty. Clothing covering the shoulders and knees is also important from the point of view of health, as a protection against sunburn. A special case is the last stage, the arrival in Czestochowa and Jasna Gora – festive attire is required, white shirts and dark down parts of the clothing (there is a possibility to change at the last stop).
What happens in the event of any injury or illness?
On the pilgrimage there are first-aid points where you can get the help you need, both at the stops and to a greater extent at overnight stays.
How to get home?
An organized return is not provided within a pilgrimage. You can use the Polish Railways infrastructure or travel by bus. It happens that pilgrims organize the return trip by themselves.
Ask a question
If the above information does not dispel your doubts and questions, write to us – contact details are given in the Contact bookmark. Our helpline works both in Polish and English.