WHITE-BLACK-RED is a traditional group of a penitential nature.
The Faithful of the Traditional Latin Mass Society of Warsaw (Warszawskie Środowisko Wiernych Tradycji Łacińskiej) organizes the group alongside the clergy of the Institute of the Good Shepherd, which takes pastoral care of our pilgrims.
The present leader of the group is Fr. Grzegorz Śniadoch from the Institute of the Good Shepherd.
On the pilgrim’s path, we want to immerse ourselves in the spirituality of the Roman Catholic Church and Her venerable liturgical and ascetic tradition. This is why we first and foremost pray the Liturgy of Hours – lauds, vespers and compline – as well as the traditional rosary, the Little Office, the Way of the Cross and various litanies. We sing liturgical chant (sanctified by the centuries-old Catholic tradition), Eucharistic and Marian chants, as well as patriotic songs. We express our attachment to the Catholic Church through prayer in Latin, which has been for many centuries the official language of Holy Mother Church. Our group aims at cultivating traditional forms of piety, especially Gregorian chant, which has priority – as the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council proclaimed – over any other kind of sacred music. We want to put into action the principle of “Lex orandi – lex credendi” (the law of praying is the law of believing).
We pay special attention to the Most Holy Eucharist. Visiting the Most Holy Sacrament is a part of venerable Catholic Tradition. Every day during the pilgrimage, we see and eat Christ under the forms of bread and wine, taking part in the Holy Mass in the traditional Roman rite that was “restored” to the Church by the Holy Father, Benedict XVI. We offer thanksgiving after every Mass in gratitude for the potential beneficence of this endless source of graces and in order to dignify the Real Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
The symposiums concern doctrinal questions and are meant to explain the integral teachings of Holy Mother Church. They are prepared on the basis of the current topic of the pilgrimage and are given by the leading Priest. In addition to that, we plan conferences touching upon the current problems and risks threatening the Church and our Motherland. These speeches will be given by the pilgrims who are members of public life, scientists, various experts, as well as invited guests.
The successive days of the pilgrimage are dedicated to different saints. We learn about their lives, virtues, achievements and merits in short contemplations presenting the patron of the day. Sometimes we present a fragment of their writings. We pray to our patron saints throughout the day asking for their mediation. Every day we show our devotion to them by chanting the Litany of the Saints. In doing so, we wish to underline the unity of those wandering here on Earth (Ecclesia peregrinans) as the Church Militant (Ecclesia militans) with those who are in Heaven as the Church Triumphant (Ecclesia triumphans), as well as with those poor souls being cleansed in Purgatory as the Church Suffering (Ecclesia patiens). Above all we ask our guardian angels for help, and we offer our pligrim hardships to St. Michael Archangel.
One can argue that this programme is too ambitious for the youth. We do not deny that we expect a lot: subordination to the strict regulations, asceticism, a bit of a self-denial and intellectual effort. It is true that elsewhere one can find a less demanding and laid-back atmosphere. But is this what it is all about? Does it instill in a pilgrim a religiosity that results in sainthood? Is this the way to enjoy all the means of sanctification made available by Holy Mother Church? On the pilgrim’s way, we serve God and the Church through prayer and mortification; we expand our understanding through the effort of getting to know the truth of the Faith and the Church’s teachings. The condition of the Faith professed by generations to come may depend on our readiness to take up the challenge. We believe that together we are able to do it. We believe that the youth are ambitious and willing to sacrifice — sacrifice themselves to God — ready to give away all they have in order to gain Him. We also believe that the means we offer are able to captivate the hearts and minds of the youth, because such forms of prayer and life often saved the souls of our fathers. The Holy Father, St. John Paul II, tirelessly called us to reach into the abundant tradition of the Church, especially during His pilgrimages to the Motherland.
„We should proclaim God through our ardent participation in the life of Church; through our care for the weak and suffering, as well as by taking up responsibility for public affairs in the spirit of care for the future of the nation built upon the truth of the Gospel. Such an attitude demands a mature faith and personal engagement from us. It should be expressed in actual deeds. Such an attitude is often paid for with heroism and great sacrifice. Haven’t we experienced in our times and our lives all sorts of humiliations while trying to remain faithful to Christ, and in doing so, retain our Christian dignity? Every Christian is called – wherever he or she is placed by the Providence – to acknowledge Christ before others (cf. Mt 10, 32)” (John Paul II, Gniezno 3 June AD 1997).